The website is intended to provide information about the organization and to give individuals and companies the opportunity to make a donation to Heart For Sumba.

All information on the website is of a general nature. They should not be considered as personal, professional or legal advice or an equivalent.

The content of the site (including the hyperlinks) can always be improved without notice, modified, supplemented or removed.


If you are required to leave personal data, the data is processed under the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (WBP).

Heart For Sumba processes personal data on behalf of its donors administration and fund-raising programs, and to inform about its activities. If you do not wish to receive this information, you can report it at any time through info@heartforsumba.org.

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You have the right to consult the information on this website and to download it for personal use as well as to reproduce under the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act.

If you would like to add a link on your own website to any page of this website, you are required to seek permission from Heart For Sumba via info@heartforsumba.org.
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On the reproduction of the information you can contact Heart For Sumba via info@heartforsumba.org.

Heart For Sumba retains all intellectual property rights to the website itself and the information made available

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